These days, I have continued my work on salframe. I implemented two sister functions: setMaxClientSize(long nWidth, long nHeight) and setMinClientSize(long nWidth, long nHeight) in vcl/aqua/source/window/salframe.cxx. Now, windows can't be resized less than their minimal size nor more than their maximal size (less used). This code is now committed.

I have also committed a patch concerning utility windows. This is part of my work on aqua dialogs and windows. I won't commit code for sheet windows or alert dialogs now, because it is not mature enough.

Before applying the patch (on the left); with the patch (on the right)

Nearly a month ago, i committed a patch for cursors (but i didn't blogged about it as i didn't take the time to do so). I implemented the main 18 out of 94 cursors used in OOo. This code uses the system cursors of MacOS X, for the cursors specific to OOo, we'll have to use Cocoa (for more informations concerning cursors implementation see the wiki page where Yvan Barthélémy and Eric Bachard wrote what they thought concerning cursors, but unfortunately, i found this page after having coded cursors. I will update it as soon as possible.) And to finish, as usual, screenshots!

Cursor for links, hand cursor to move objects and text cursor.